Portable D300/D300X thermal camera is equiped with an infrared detector (384x288) with working temperature range of (-20 ÷ 600) °C (optionally up to 1500°C). Each camera is equipped with an autofocus function, a laser rangefinder and a adjustable LCD touchscreen. The camera has a microbolometic detector with 384x288 resolution, that is stabilized at ambient temperature with a sensitivity of 0,06°C (no cooling!). This high sensitivity allows for diagnostics of thermal insulation of buildings or the use of the camera in medicine.
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Temperature range
- (-20 ÷ 600) °C for D300
- (-20 ÷ 1500) °C for D300X

- Detector Resolution: 384x288
- Thermal Sensitivity (N.E.T.D): ≤0.04°C@30°C
- Spatial Resolution: 1.09mrad
- Field of View (F.O.V): 24°x17°
- Spectral range: 7.5~14μm
- Focus Mechanism: Motorised
- Accuracy: ±2°C or ± 2% of readings
- Image Mode: IR/Digital/Duo-Vision/Duo-Vision Plus
- Visible Pixels: HD 5MP Digital Camera
- LCD Display: 3.5” Capacitive Touch Screen
- Frame Rate: 50Hz / 60 Hz
- Digital Zoom: 1x to 10x, continuous
- Video auto record: Every 4 seconds
- Laser Type: Class 2, 1mW/635nm, red
- Laser Ranging: Yes—Auto focus the camera
- Measurement Range: 0.05m—30m
- Weight: 0.85 KG
- Dimensions: 232mm×115mm×168mm
- Battery Life: 8 Hours
- Ports: USB Type C